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"So if Great-Grampa chooses Jesus we could hold his hand on the way up to heaven when we die?" It's the little things that matter when you are four, pouring your own milk on morning cereal, pumping highest on the backyard swing, knowing who will hold your hand on the way to heaven. Janie is helping me pack a card for Great-Grampa. We pray for him a lot, all sorts of wonderful things including heaven. We love Great-Grampa as much as the sky. The influence of a good life reaches right down to the horizon and encircles our whole world. What a gift his disciplined life is to us. Even Jane know it.
Our gift to him is the prayers we offer each night. We submit to Jesus our greatest treasures and pray He will save them, that He walk us on to heaven in the footsteps of our fathers. May he know you, Lord. We bow down to our God who made the sky itself and offer up the ones we love into His care.
Love you to the sky and back. Love my Daddy into heaven. AMEN
Oh the earnestness of our prayers for our lost loved ones, (who probably think they are found)...Yes Lord let them know YOU, let them taste and see that YOU are good!
Love you too Bethany! Those special cards and letters mean so much to him. He told me he sets them out where he can look at them frequently and show them off to people who visit.
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